autoAck: booleandefaults to true
Autoreply (enabled by default) automatically replies to messages where message callback in subscriber returns a non-undefined value (Only if message has replyTo and a correlationId)
autoReply: booleandefaults to true
Provide a failurebackoff to control the rate of messages in case of errors. Bundled together with haredo comes standardBackoff
Bind an exchange to the queue.
For patterns there are two wildcards:
- one word#
- zero or more words
A word is dot(period) delimitedExchange to bind
Pattern(s) to use
Bind an exchange to the queue.
For patterns there are two wildcards:
- one word#
- zero or more words
A word is dot(period) delimitedname of the exchange
pattern(s) to bind
Type of the exchange
exchangeOpts: ExchangeOptionsOptions to use for asserting the exchange
Bind an exchange to the queue.
For patterns there are two wildcards:
- one word#
- zero or more words
A word is dot(period) delimitedName of the exchange to bind
Pattern(s) to use
Type of the exchange
opts: Partial<ExchangeOptions>Options to pass to amqplib for asserting
Set prefetch count for consuming (ie. amount of messages that will be received in parallel) 0 Means there is no limit.
Aliased to .prefetch
number of concurrent messages passed to .subscribe callbacks
Enable publishing using ConfirmChannels
See RabbitMq Docs
confirm: booleandefaults to true
When exclusive is set to true, the broker won't allow anyone else consume from this queue
exclusive: booleandefaults to true
Enable json mode (it's enabled by default). When json is enabled, messages that are published without using prepared message objects will be passed through JSON.stringify. When subscribing message data will be run through JSON.parse
json: booleandefaults to true
Enable noAck on the consumer. When noAck is set the broker will dequeue messages when they are sent down the wire.
noAck: booleandefaults to true
Set prefetch count for consuming (ie. amount of messages that will be received in parallel) 0 Means there is no limit.
Aliased to .concurrency
number of messages to prefetch
Set the consumer priority. Lower priority consumers will receive messages only when higher priority consumers are busy.
Requires Consumer priorities extension to be enabled
publishOpts: PublishReestablish a subscriber when channel / connection closes (enabled by default)
reestablish: booleandefaults to true
publishOpts: PublishDon't run automatic setup. Useful for faster publishing.
skipSetup: booleandefaults to true
Subscribe to messages in the queue specified in the chain
Add middleware to the subscription
Generated using TypeDoc
Autoack (enabled by default) automatically acks/nacks messages when subscriber callback throws an error or the promise returned from it gets rejected.